Someone just told you they Googled your name or product and found a negative review with “Your Name Scammer” on the front page. You’re probably thinking, “How can I remove this result from the search engines?” Short answer: you can’t. Long Answer: you can push it down.
Internet Marketing
All about Internet Marketing and spreading your message online.
How to Automatically Add Buyers to your Autoresponder Email List
If you’re selling anything via Paypal, you must collect your buyer’s emails into a unique buyer’s list. This buyer’s list, if treated right, can continue to bring in revenue far into the future. I’m still receiving several thousands per month from a buyer’s list I created in 2009. However, you do not need expensive, 3rd party software such as DLGuard or Nanacast to automatically add buyers to the 3 major autoresponders on the market.
Product Creation or Affiliate Marketing. Which is Better?
Should I become an affiliate marketer or should I create my own product? I see this question a lot these days. I’m going to take 20 minutes from this beautiful Saturday morning to share some important career advice with you. Here we go…