How Did the Google Farmer Update Affect Article Marketing?

Google released an algorithmic change called the “Content Farmer Update” a month ago. Now people are curious if it’s worth marketing with articles. Here’s my opinion on the matter.

First things first. Let’s see what Google is saying about Article Marketing. Watch this quick video by Matt Cutts.

Next, let’s take a look at a real screenshot of today’s traffic.

Comparison of Popular Content Sites

You can see that took a huge 17% hit in audience reach.
Buzzle and Hubpages also took small hits as well.
However, is remaining steady and continues to grow like a wildfire.

Although article directories have taken a pretty big hit, they’re still pulling in some big traffic numbers. So no….article marketing isn’t really dead. So there’s no reason to run crazy in the streets. However, Google has already expressed their dislike for content syndication. Furthermore, as you can see from the image above, sites with “original content” (eHow is hardly original) continue to grow and thrive in today’s search engine’s rankings.

In light of the video, statistics and research from associates in the trenches, I currently recommend the following strategy:

  • Stay away from syndicating your content. If you insist on syndicating, put your best work on your own property and use completely different content on article directories.
  • Start building your own macro-niche virtual properties (a sub-niche with several micro-niches). There’ s nothing like being the authority. Associates have confirmed that macro-niche sites are booming after this algorithm update.
  • Build other traffic generation sources such as media buys (banners), video marketing and -gasp- list building. Putting all your eggs in the Google basket can hurt profits when you’re suddenly the “bad guy” in Google’s eyes. Just ask EzineArticles.

Good luck out there!

1 thought on “How Did the Google Farmer Update Affect Article Marketing?”

  1. intresting video, Matt Cuts really knows his stuff, you should see this report that they made, really stroke home with me;


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